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Sports Pack 1 - 1 Peak Endurance, 1 ProPeas, and 1 RediBeets

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    Sports Pack 1 - 1 Peak Endurance, 1 ProPeas, and 1 RediBeets

    Availability: In stock

    • Key Benefits and Features of ProPeas

    • Assists with weight management
    • Helps build and maintain healthy muscles
    • Increases energy and endurance
    • Provides a feeling of fullness (satiety)
    • Boosts metabolism
    • Key Benefits and Features of Peak Endurance

    • Elevates ATP levels in cells, blood and tissues
    • Increases energy levels and reduces fatigue
    • Stimulates blood flow to peripheral sites
    • Supports cardiovascular and respiratory health
    • Improves muscle growth, strength and recovery for peak athletic performance
    • Boosts mental acuity and memory
    • Contains six of the B vitamins essential to metabolism: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12
    • Key Benefits and Features of RediBeets
    • Helps to boost nitric oxide levels in the body
    • Provides powerful antioxidants that can prevent free radical formation like betacyanin
    • Cleansing and detoxifying for the body
    • May improve circulation
    • Helps maintain healthy blood pressure
    • Decreases fatigue by reducing lactic acid buildup
    • Has cardio and neuro health benefits
    • Promotes fast, full recovery
    • Tested pesticide-free
    • No added sugar, artificial sweeteners, or colors
    • Eliminates the task of juicing

    Product Overview

    • ProPeas

    • the body and control weight by increasing feelings of fullness, boosting metabolism, and preserving lean muscle mass.
    • How is ProPeas Unique?

    • • Vegetable protein is good for your pH balance.
    • • Calcium absorption is improved.
    • • Non-GMO, as well as a gluten-free and certified vegan product.
    • • No Sugar Added
    • Approach

    • Protein is a necessary component of every cell. It is required for a variety of vital functions in the body, including the creation of enzymes and hormones and the growth and repair of tissues. Protein is essential for healthy and physiological function since it provides the body with amino acids required for new cell development. Protein is a macronutrient in the same way as fats and carbohydrates. The human body requires a substantial amount of protein in relation to micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Proteins cannot be stored by the body, unlike carbohydrates and fat. Protein is required for the maintenance of every cell in the body. Protein promotes the growth, development, and repair of tissues. It also aids in the formation of new blood cells and helps keep them healthy.
    • Weight Management
    • ProPeas promotes weight loss because it is slowly digested. ProPeas, on the other hand, is still 98 per cent digestible. It helps to preserve lean muscle and enhances calorie burn. Protein has the ability to help you lose weight in three ways: it may make you feel fuller (satiety), increase your metabolism, and assist in the maintenance of lean muscle mass.
    • 1. Satiety –
    • Protein takes the longest to digest in the stomach, resulting in a sensation of fullness. This can help prevent overeating and obesity by limiting overconsumption of calories.
    • 2. Metabolic Rate –
    • Protein intake can aid in the production of more heat. A higher metabolism rate is caused by a sufficient amount of protein consumption. Metabolism is how our bodies transform food into energy or store it as fat. The faster your metabolism, the more fat you will burn. Protein raises metabolism by making the bodywork harder while digestion is taking place. The body requires more calories to digest protein than it does carbohydrates or sugars. This improves the body's metabolic functioning.
    • 3. Lean Muscle Mass –
    • Protein has been shown to aid weight loss by stimulating the release of hormones that tell the body to create muscle, improve metabolism and boost exercise performance. Protein might help you lose weight if you consume more of it. The more muscle a person has, the more calories they will burn naturally. As a result, if muscle mass rises due to protein consumption, a person may lose weight without substantial changes in their usual calorie intake.
    • Protein and fiber are good for aiding weight reduction. AIM Herbal Fiberblend® and Aim Fit ’n Fiber® support healthy herbs and fibers that provide feelings of satisfaction by assisting weight management. To discover a new, slimmer you, try the AIM Weight Loss Pack (5856E), including ProPeas (x2), Fit 'n Fiber, and GlucoChrom.
    • Peak Endurance

    • Peak Endurance is a powdered energy drink containing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), six electrolytes, and six other vitamins, specifically vitamin C.
    • How is Peak Endurance Unique?

    • • 200mg each serving of adenosine 5-triphosphate disodium is the exact ATP molecule required for the human body to make energy.
    • • A single 300-gram container equals 5.5 gallons of blueberry-açai flavored energy drink, according to the manufacturer.
    • • The electrolyte content of the Coconut Water Drink Mix is derived from coconut water.
    • • This supplement is ideal for athletes and active individuals who require a high intake of electrolytes, as it includes all six major ions.
    • Approach

    • Every activity that takes place inside a cell relies on adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the ""energy currency of the body."" When ATP levels fall, cells cease to function. A single dose of ATP boosts energy levels without raising your heart rate instead of coffee, ginseng, or ephedra supplements. The phosphate bonds within ATP molecules are critical to cell energy release. When energy is required, the connection between the second and third phosphate is fractured, releasing energy. Adenosine diphosphate is produced when carbohydrates, amino acids, and lipids are broken down. The breakdown of carbohydrates and other macronutrients has energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When food components are broken down, ADP is formed.
    • RediBeets

    • RediBeets is a beetroot juice powder concentrate that contains all of the nutrients found in whole foods. We chill it to keep the natural vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, phytonutrient, and enzyme content.
    • How is RediBeets Unique?

    • • This is a 100% extracted juice with no fiber.
    • • The beets are frozen at low temperatures in a vacuum-sealed chamber.
    • • A canister holds 15 pounds of beets.
    • • Nitrate in the diet is oxidized to nitric oxide.
    • Approach

    • Beetroots have been believed to help detoxify the liver for at least three or four centuries. The precise mechanism by which beets aid the liver is unknown, although they are thought to reduce fat accumulation in the liver due to their high amount of betaine. Because of its capacity to assist the liver in fat processing, betaine is known as the lipotropic factor. Betaine is a supplement that has been shown to minimize inflammation and decrease homocysteine. Homocysteine levels are linked to poor cardiac health due to their high levels.


    • Ingredients of ProPeas

    • ProPeas: Go Green with Vegan Protein

    • Need I say more? ProPeas is a must-have for any diet, offering nutritious peas that are non-GMO and gluten-free. They're also healthy since they're high in protein and low in fat, cholesterol, and trans fat. ProPeat's dietary supplement, which is derived from peas, helps maintain a healthy pH level in the body. ProPeas is filtered using a clean membrane filter, which only requires water to process the pea protein. There are no toxic chemicals or solvents used in the purification process.
    • Protein Supplement Comparisons

    • Peas aren't an issue for many people, but they can be a problem for those with severe allergies or sensitivity to them. Soybeans and whey protein are among the top nine food allergens that account for 90% of reactions. Soy's typical production methods might cause issues. In the United States, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are one of the most tolerant nations. In 2013, 93 per cent of soybean crops were genetically engineered. Soy is high in fats, and removing these fatty acids to produce a protein concentrate necessitates using solvents such as hexane. Soy must be heated to generate furan, a known cancer-causing agent. Those allergic to milk should avoid Whey, a by-product of cheese manufacturing. Furthermore, animal foods contain high levels of cysteine and methionine, two amino acids that have an acidic impact on the blood. ProPeas is devoid of acid-forming amino acids.
    • ProPeas Amino Acids

    • Essential amino acids are those that our bodies require, whereas non-essential amino acids can be made by the human body (we must get them from food). The essential amino acids found in ProPeas include leucine, isoleucine, valine, and lysine. These amino acids have enhanced human growth and development and athletic performance, and recovery from stress. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are critical for delaying muscle deterioration with the maintenance of muscle mass.
    • Leucine

    • Enhances the synthesis of muscle proteins, which slows down the loss of muscle tissue caused by ageing. The body's capacity to absorb and synthesize protein decreases as we age, causing us to lose muscle mass.
    • Isoleucine

    • Muscle recovery is enhanced by creatine's role in supplying energy to muscles.
    • Valine

    • It is a powerful antioxidant that helps repair tissue, increase energy, and balance blood sugar (which may help you lose weight) and brain function.
    • Lysine

    • Lysine is an essential component for calcium absorption and bone development.
    • Ingredients of Peak Endurance

    • Properly Balanced Electrolytes and Added B

    • Vitamins Peak Endurance is the only sports drink that contains all of the necessary minerals. It also contains calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium because it delivers all six primary electrolytes. Calcium is required for nerve impulse transmission, muscular contraction, and the synthesis and breakdown of muscle and liver glycogen.
    • Calcium and phosphorus are inversely associated in the blood, so they should be taken together. When calcium levels are high, phosphorous levels are low, and vice versa. Magnesium is a required component of over 300 enzymes, including ATPase and a glycogenolysis enzyme. The B-complex vitamins, particularly thiamine, riboflavin, niacinamide, and cyanocobalamin (K1), have been found to enhance metabolism, improve skin and muscle tone health, enhance immune and nervous system function, and promote cell growth and division. Vitamin B complex is a water-soluble multivitamin that is absorbed into the body throughout the day. They must be restocked daily.
    • Ingredients of RediBeets

    • Dietary Nitrate

    • Beet juice is a great source of nitrate, and it's produced from dietary nitrate. Nitrites are found in processed and preserved meals like hot dogs, as natural nitrate isn't hazardous and is required for various bodily functions. In the body, nitrogen oxides are converted to nitric oxide through a circuitous route along the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway. Bacteria in the mouth transform nitrogen trichloride to nitrite.
    • It is then converted to nitric oxide via a variety of enzymatic and nonenzymatic pathways. Nitric oxide relaxes smooth muscles and helps blood flow to the tissues, providing circulatory and respiratory benefits for the body. It has a significant influence since the circulation of blood permeates the entire body. Beet juice is an excellent whole food for naturally and safely increasing circulation via vasodilation while avoiding increased heart rate.
    • According to a study done by Queen Mary University, people who consumed one cup of beet juice had lower blood pressure in just 24 hours. About 72 mg of natural beet nitrate is contained in each serving of RediBeets. The consumption of 300 mg of nitrate each day to achieve these advantages has been confirmed by recent studies. This is equivalent to four servings of RediBeets.
    • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

    • Fruits and veggies are high in fiber and vitamins, maintaining digestive health. Phytonutrients and enzymes are two types of nutrients contained in fresh fruits and vegetables. Plant chemicals known as phytonutrients are required for good health. Enzymes are required for thousands of chemical reactions that take place throughout the body, such as energy production at the cellular level, digestion aid, nutrient absorption, and tissue repair and regeneration. Enzymes are present in raw fruits and vegetables, but they are destroyed during cooking. Juicing is the greatest method to ensure that we consume them since enzymes are found in raw fruits and veggies.
    • Juicing

    • The fiber is discarded after juicing, leaving only the nutritious juice of a fruit or vegetable. It's a method of getting the most out of fruits and vegetables. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is beneficial, and juicing also allows us to absorb the greatest amount of nutrients possible. Juices are digested and absorbed in 15 minutes, allowing nutrients to be utilized almost entirely. RediBeets juice powder is a ready-to-drink powdered beverage that delivers all of the nutritional value of juicing without requiring you to clean your beets or juicer. Mix the powder in water and enjoy all the nutrients of the fresh juice.
    • RediBeets

    • RediBeets is made with 15 pounds of beets, assessed pesticide-free to ensure that you get no harmful chemicals from the product. When the beets are cooked, their juice and nutrients are extracted while the fiber is discarded. RediBeets is a great product that allows you to juice up your day, helping you meet the daily recommendation of five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables.


    • How to use ProPeas

    • • Mix 1 scoop into 8 oz (240 ml) of water, cold beverage or smoothie. Use 1 to 4 scoops daily (depending on activity level).
    • • Best used for: weight loss assistance, recovery after exercise, healthy breakfasts, a protein supplement or snacks.
    • How to use Peak Endurance

    • Each scoop or single serving of Peak Endurance contains 200 mg of adenosine triphosphate from PEAK ATP®.
    • Pre-workout: Mix two rounded scoops (16.66 g) with 12 oz of water. Best taken 30 minutes to 1 hour before exercise.
    • Maintenance Serving: Mix one rounded scoop (8.33 g) with 10 to 20 oz of water twice daily. Best taken in the morning and afternoon.
    • Children ages 8 to 16 (60 lbs or above): Mix 2 teaspoons (6 g) with 8 to 16 oz of water once daily.
    • Not recommended for children under age 8. If pregnant or nursing, please consult a health care practitioner.
    • A 400 mg daily serving of Peak ATP in Peak Endurance is clinically validated to:
    • • improve blood flow
    • • increase lean body mass by 100%
    • • increase muscle thickness by 96%
    • • increase peak power
    • • reduce muscular fatigue
    • • increase muscular excitability
    • • increase total strength by 147%
    • • increase vertical jump power by 30%
    • • increase post-exercise ATP levels
    • • increase recovery and reduce pain
    • How to use RediBeets

    • • Take 1 teaspoon (4 g) with 4 oz (120 ml) of water or juice. Take twice per day. Best taken on an empty stomach.
    • • Mix with water, juice or AIM Garden Trio®. Suggested Serving of RediBeets for Athletes
    • • Mix up to 4 teaspoons (16 g) with 10 oz (300 ml) of water. Take once daily, one to two hours prior to an activity.
    • • Drink RediBeets juice immediately after mixing it. Best taken 30 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal. To receive the greatest absorption of nutrients, take AIM Herbal Fiberblend® one hour before or 30 minutes after taking RediBeets.
    • • Use within 60 days of opening. In hot, humid environments, store in a freezer.
    • • Close tightly after opening and store in a cool, dry, dark place. Do not refrigerate.

    Questions & Answers (9)

    Submit your question about this product to our talented team of Customer Care Representatives, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Q Can ProPeas help me to lose weight?

    A Research presented in The Protein Book by Lyle McDonald has shown that pea protein is digested slowly, so it helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Each serving of ProPeas contains 12 grams of protein, digested at a rate of 2.9 grams per hour. That means it takes more than four hours to digest one serving of ProPeas. In addition to being digested slowly, pea protein also increases body metabolism. For every calorie of ProPeas protein that you consume, you burn 25 percent of it during digestion, thus increasing overall body metabolism.

    Q Can ProPeas help me to build muscle?

    A Yes, ProPeas provides muscle-building amino acids, including essential lysine, leucine, isoleucine and valine. Furthermore, low-fat pea protein is one of the most easily digested plant proteins, having a 98 percent digestion rate, so your body uses nearly all of your intake for building lean muscle.

    Q Can RediBeets turn my urine pink?

    A Yes. This effect is called beeturia. Beeturia is the passing of red- or pink-colored urine caused by beet consumption.

    Q What can you tell me about the processing used for RediBeets?

    A RediBeets uses a special three-step process. In this process, beneficial heat-sensitive enzymes are not destroyed.

    Q Is it OK to take more than the recommended serving?

    A Because beet juice can have a strong effect on some individuals when they use it for the first time (dizziness due to detoxification), it is suggested that you start with the regular recommended serving and gradually increase to the athlete serving.

    Q Who can benefit from beet juice?

    A Anyone can benefit from beet juice. As we age, our bodies become less efficient at producing nitric oxide. By the time you’re forty, studies show you’re making half or less of what you made when you were twenty.

    Q Do I still need to take AIM BarleyLife® if I take Peak Endurance?

    A Yes, Peak Endurance is a supplement the targets the replenishment of depleted stores of ATP to address a specific molecule need, whereas BarleyLife provides a wide spectrum of nutrients needed by the cells and each body system.

    Q How long does it take to notice the benefits of Peak Endurance?

    A Several human and animal studies indicate that cardiovascular, circulatory and vascular system benefits are realized almost immediately. Noticing significant increases in performance results, however, may take up to several weeks of consistent use.

    Q Can I take other products in conjunction with Peak Endurance?

    A ATP is best taken on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before eating. However, Peak Endurance can enhance blood flow, and, therefore, it can assist with nutrient delivery.