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PrepZymes 100 Vegan Capsules

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    PrepZymes 100 Vegan Capsules

    Availability: In stock

    • Helps maintain digestive health
    • Allows for a more thorough digestion of food
    • Improves assimilation and utilization of food
    • Increases energy
    • Unique and proprietary formula—177 mg of enzymes, 50 mg of alpine wild garlic leaf and 40 mg of papaya fruit per capsule
    • Contains cultured enzymes

    Product Overview

    • PrepZymes are an enzyme supplement that combines enzymes, papaya and garlic leaf powder.
    • How is PrepZymes Unique?

    • • Enzymes are combined with garlic leaf and papaya fruit.
    • • For high-sugar and high-fat diets, it's highly effective.
    • • Enzymes are included for digestion and food to compensate for deficiencies caused by eating processed meals.
    • Approach

    • Enzymes are like sparks that start or speed up vital chemical processes in the body. Every second, the human body creates millions of enzymes. They must synthesise cellular energy, maintain all tissues and organs, and repair and renew cells. The process of absorbing, transporting, processing, and eliminating nutrients and waste is referred to as nutrition.
    • PrepZymes contains the following enzymes:
    • • Protease I
    • • Protease II
    • • Alpha/Beta Amylase
    • • Lipase
    • • Cellulase
    • • Lactase
    • • Maltase
    • • Invertase
    • • Papain


    • Three Classes of Enzymes

    • Enzymes are classified as metabolic, digestive, and food enzymes. Metabolic enzymes accelerate or start chemical reactions in the cells. Metabolic enzymes govern the functioning of the body's organs, tissues, and cells. Without them, our bodies would not function. This type of enzyme, for example, helps to transform phosphorus into bone, binds iron to our red blood cells, heals wounds, as well as assists the heart's beating process. Digestive enzymes are produced by the pancreas and aid in the breakdown of food, allowing nutrients to be absorbed into the circulation and utilized throughout the body.
    • Enzymes increase the nutritional value of food by converting proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and sugars. Protease aids in protein breakdown; amylase aids in carbohydrate digestion; lipase aids in fat and oil digestion, and maltase aids in breaking down malt sugar and grains. Food enzymes are found in the foods we eat. Digestive enzymes are one type, but they may also exist in different meals. Food enzymes help to ""predigest"" our meal by breaking it down before our bodily enzymes have a chance to do so.
    • The Importance of Enzymes
    • Dr Edward Howell's enzyme theory is based on his ground-breaking research in the 1920s. He authored two books on the subject and postulated that humans have a fixed amount of enzyme energy at birth. Our responsibility is to replace them as needed to ensure that their vital functions are carried out. We run the danger of illness if we don't replace our supply. According to current studies, as we grow older, we make fewer enzymes. Enzymes became widespread as the Western diet grew increasingly reliant on processed and cooked meals.
    • Enzymes are extremely vulnerable to heat. Food enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 118°F. Enzymes in food are destroyed by pasteurization, canning, and microwaving. This implies that most cooked, and processed foods have little, if any, enzymes and that a typical diet found in industrialized countries is deficient in enzymes. Many nutritional tests have shown that a diet of cooked and canned meals leads to the development of chronic degenerative illnesses. This emphasizes the significance of consuming raw fruits and vegetables. Functional “live” enzymes can only be found in uncooked foods. The more uncooked foods you consume, the higher your levels of natural enzymes will be.
    • The Benefits of Enzymes

    • There are several advantages to giving the body more enzymes. This helps boost the body's total enzyme pool, which may lead to a longer and healthier life. Digestive enzymes assist us in breaking down meals more completely, allowing us to get more out of our food. It is well-known that digestive enzymes aid in the digestion and utilization of nutrients. This might help you lose weight since your body receives more nutrients from less food, resulting in fewer calories. Another benefit of completely digested meals is that they aid digestion and promote assimilation. Food that hasn't been fully digested might remain in the stomach and intestine, where it can rot and ferment, causing a buildup of waste in the colon. The bacteria and poisons produced by this decay stimulate the mucous membrane lining of the intestinal wall to secrete an antidiarrheal agent. Toxins enter the body through the intestines and are carried via blood capillaries to other areas. Blood capillaries pick up and distribute the toxins throughout the body, resulting in a variety of health problems. Digestive enzymes assist in breaking down food more completely, removing the risks of waste and toxins accumulation.
    • Papaya Fruit and Alpine Wild Garlic

    • PrepZymes contains papain, an enzyme that clings to proteins, aids in protein digestion, and soothes the stomach and enzymes found in other papaya products. Alpine wild garlic aids in the digestion process and has antioxidant properties.
    • Cultured Enzymes

    • Enzymes from a living organism, such as probiotics and enzymes found in fermented foods, are particularly useful because they work well in acidic and alkaline environments. The enzymes are grown, filtered, and purified to remove any fungi, germs, or yeasts from the product. PrepZymes have been developed to replace the naturally occurring enzymes lost after food processing, preparation, and cooking and food irradiation or crop cultivation in depleted soils.


    • • Take 1 capsule before or during each meal.
    • • Do not use if you have gastritis or a duodenal or gastric ulcer.
    • • Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have an allergy to latex or fruits.
    • • Keep out of reach of children.

    Questions & Answers (4)

    Submit your question about this product to our talented team of Customer Care Representatives, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Q May I take PrepZymes with FloraFood or other AIM products?

    A You may take PrepZymes with other AIM products. PrepZymes and AIM FloraFood are best taken with meals. However, PrepZymes will break down the bacteria in FloraFood, so take these products separately at alternate meals.

    Q Is there anyone who should not take PrepZymes?

    A Yes, it is recommended that those with gastritis or gastric or duodenal ulcers should not use AIM PrepZymes. If you have an allergy to latex or fruits, you should not take PrepZymes.

    Q May children take PrepZymes?

    A Yes, they may. Children can take the usual adult serving of one capsule before or during each meal. However, when using dietary supplements, it is recommended that you consult your health care practitioner.

    Q Who should use PrepZymes?

    A If you believe that you are not digesting foods well, you should use digestive enzymes. Additionally, our bodies produce fewer enzymes as we age, so we should consider using digestive enzymes as we mature.