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Herbal Fiberblend 13 oz Unflavored Powder

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    Herbal Fiberblend 13 oz Unflavored Powder

    Availability: In stock

    • Helps maintain digestive health
    • Helps promote regular bowel movements
    • Detoxifies—removes toxins from the body
    • Reduces transit time—provides a more thorough evacuation of waste
    • Water-soluble fiber helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels
    • Contains psyllium and cleansing herbs

    • Provides 5 grams of fiber per 7 g serving
    • Simple, one-step detoxification product

    Product Overview

    • Herbal Fiberblend is digestive health and dietary supplement. A unique combination cleanses the body of psyllium fiber and herbs.
    • How is Herbal Fiberblend Unique?

    • • Fast-acting solution
    • • Detoxifying and purifying herbs are included.
    • • Increase bowel regularity
    • • Parasite-killing cyclotides help to push parasites out of the body.
    • Approach

    • Fiber is considered one of the most beneficial macronutrients for keeping your bowel movement regular and preventing constipation. Fiber consumption reduces transit time and encourages waste evacuation more thoroughly. It is thought to have beneficial effects on all elements of colon function. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine set an adequate intake (AI) recommendation for total daily fiber consumption in 2002. According to AI, adults who are 50 years old or younger should consume 38 grams of fiber each day for men and 25 grams for women. For people over the age of 50, the suggestion is 30 grams per day for males and 21 grams per day for females. The amount you'll require is a good place to start, but according to research from the University of Southern California, over 90% of Americans do not consume enough fiber. Fiber has been identified as a nutritional concern in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines.


    • Water-soluble Fiber

    • Water-soluble fiber is found in oat bran, legumes, psyllium, nuts, beans, pectins, and various fruits and vegetables. Water-soluble fiber forms a thick gel in the intestine, regulating the flow of waste material through the digestive system. Bile acids are formed from cholesterol and are reabsorbed by water-soluble fiber. Bile acids adhere to fiber and are eliminated from the body after assisting with fat digestion. The liver must then draw additional cholesterol from the circulation. Water-soluble fiber also inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood. According to studies, increasing dietary fiber intake lowers insulin demand.
    • Insoluble Fiber

    • Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, making it difficult for the human body to break down. Plant walls' indigestible components are examples of this form of fiber, and vegetables have the greatest quantity. Insoluble fiber's main purpose is to absorb water and increase stool bulk in the large intestine. This induces bowel movements, and as the mass moves down the gut, it removes waste from the intestinal walls.
    • Cleansing, Detoxifying, and Herbs

    • The practice of washing one's body has been around for many years. The necessity of maintaining bodily equilibrium: homeostasis has long been recognized by health professionals. Internal cleaning and detoxification contribute to this internal balance. Detoxing is increasingly important, according to many medical experts, as our world becomes increasingly polluted with pollutants from the environment and the food we eat. Constipation, bloating, poor digestion, gas, tiredness, weight gain, excessive mucus production, poor concentration, and memory loss are just a few of the adverse effects caused by toxic build-up in the body.
    • AIM Herbal Fiberblend 5 grams of fiber in 1 tablespoon (7 g) of Herbal Fiberblend comes both as insoluble and soluble. Herbal Fiberblend is a comprehensive detoxification aid, thanks to the potent herbs. It's one of the most effective intestinal cleanses on the market. Natural Raspberry Flavor or Unflavored: Or Vegan Capsules, Herbal Fiberblend provides a professional fiber and herb combination in easy-to-use powders—all-natural raspberry flavor or unscented—or vegan capsules.
    • Ingredients

    • Herbal Fiberblend's components collaborate to allow your body to assist itself. Alfalfa, Black walnut shell, Capsicum, Cascara Sagrada, Hibiscus flower, Irish moss, Licorice root, Marshmallow root, Mullein, Oatstraw, Passionflower, Psyllium seeds are just a few of the herbs on this list.
    • Rose hips – (fruit) – Rosa canina – Vitamin C levels are depleted in stressful times, which has a soothing effect and helps to reduce stress.
    • Senna (capsules only), Shavegrass, Slippery elm bark, Violet, Viola odorata – Because of cyclotide proteins with anti-infectious and antimicrobial properties, it is beneficial to parasites.
    • Witch hazel, Yucca.


    • Since most people consume less than the daily recommended fiber intake, new users should begin taking a lesser amount where noted.
    • Usage:

    • • Powder: Take 1 tablespoon of powder per day. New users should take 1 teaspoon twice per day for the first 2 weeks.
    • • Capsules: Take 3 capsules twice per day for the first 2 weeks, then 6 capsules twice per day thereafter. • Use daily for three months and then as desired thereafter.
    • • Add Herbal Fiberblend powder to 8 ounces (240 ml) of water or juice. Apple juice is a popular choice.
    • • Maintain adequate daily hydration.
    • • Take Herbal Fiberblend one hour before or 30 minutes after taking BarleyLife®, Just Carrots® or RediBeets®.
    • • Exposure to psyllium dust and black walnut hulls may create a sensitivity resulting in an allergic reaction.
    • • Close tightly after opening and store in a cool, dry, dark place (70-75 F; 20-24 C). Do not refrigerate.

    Questions & Answers (4)

    Submit your question about this product to our talented team of Customer Care Representatives, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Q Where does the natural raspberry flavor come from?

    A Herbal Fiberblend’s natural raspberry flavor comes from a raspberry concentrate.

    Q Is there anyone who should not use Herbal Fiberblend Unflavoured?

    A New users should note that exposure to psyllium and black walnut hulls may create a sensitivity resulting in an allergic reaction. Before use, pregnant or nursing women, people taking prescription medications, people who have kidney disease, or high blood pressure should consult a health practitioner. Keep out of reach of children.

    Q Can Herbal Fiberblend Unflavoured be habit-forming?

    A No. If used as directed, Herbal Fiberblend is not habit-forming. However, if you stop taking it, you will need to replace the fiber by consuming more plant fiber because your body will have grown accustomed to the amount of bulking fiber in Herbal Fiberblend Unflavoured. If you do not replace it, you may experience some constipation or irregularity as your body adjusts.

    Q What can I expect when I take Herbal Fiberblend Unflavoured?

    A You may notice more regular bowel movements and a more complete evacuation of waste. As the fiber and herbs cleanse your system, you may experience common detoxification symptoms. See AIM’s Detoxification data sheet for more information.