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BarelyLife 360 g, fit 'n fiber (Peach) and AIMega

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    BarelyLife 360 g, fit 'n fiber (Peach) and AIMega

    Availability: In stock

    CAD 118.75
    • Key Benefits and Features of Barley Life 360

    • Daily nutrition from BarleyLife provides you with a strong foundation for good health.
    • Increases overall energy
    • Helps alkalize the body naturally
    • Contains the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD)
    • Delivers lutonarin and saponarin, two powerful antioxidants
    • Each serving provides 22.4 mg of chlorophyll
    • One tablespoon amount to 6.24 cups of barley leaves
    • Eliminates the task of juicing
    • Tested pesticide-free
    • Fit ’n Fiber Benefits:
    • Increases fiber intake
    • Supports digestive health
    • Provides soluble and insoluble fiber
    • Promotes regular bowel movements
    • Helps in achieving weight management goals
    • Maintains good gut bacteria with nourishing food
    • Key Benefits and Features of AIMega

    • Helps maintain cardiovascular health
    • Combats inflammation
    • Promotes healthy skin
    • Helps maintain healthy cell membrane structure and function
    • Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) provide energy
    • 120 gelatin capsules (gelatin is Halal and Kosher)

    Product Overview

    • Barley Life 360

    • BarleyLife is a barley grass juice powder concentrate made with natural, organic ingredients. Our cold-processing method maintains the natural amounts of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes in the drink.
    • How is BarleyLife Unique?

    • • A juice that is only made from the fruit, with all of the fiber eliminated.
    • • Barley grass is plucked when the leaves are still young for the most nutrients.
    • • To maximize nutritional value and keep the grass cool, harvesting occurs at night.
    • • Keep the juice cold with proprietary processing technology to create a raw powder.
    • Approach

    • A study published in the late 20th century discovered that young barley grass is the most nutritious of all green grasses. Barley grass is a green, young growth that contains a broad range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, chlorophylls and phytonutrients in Japanese researchers have discovered. Barley researchers discovered that when the plant channels nutrients to seed heads, it is at its nutritional peak.
    • Barley leaves harvested in their early growth stage have a distinct nutritional profile from those harvested later on. When young barley grass is juiced and the fiber has been removed, however, it was found that its broad nutritional profile becomes bioavailable. However, the nutrients in liquid form were very delicate and had to be consumed within a short time to preserve their nutritional value.
    • AIM's barley leaves are processed with a proprietary technology in which the barley leaves are harvested using cutting-edge technology when their nutrients are at their highest. In minutes, the leaves are juice (not crushed) and cold-processed using an innovative, efficient technique for maximum nutrition and delicious juice powder.
    • How is Fit ’n Fiber Unique?
    • • There are no artificial additives or aromas in this product.
    • • To enhance FloraFood, a prebiotic fiber preparation was created.
    • • A delicious orchard peach beverage with 10 grams of fiber.
    • • It can enhance flavor when combined with Herbal Fiberblend.
    • Approach
    • Fit ‘n Fiber is a wonderful add-on to AIM's Herbal Fiberblend, which helps to enhance one of AIM's most potent digestive health products. Fit 'n Fiber is a delicious and nutritious alternative to eating more fiber on its own. With only 10 calories per serving, it's a great way to boost your fiber intake. As a dietary fiber supplement for general health, Fit ‘n Fiber can be used as a single product produced from top quality natural components. Dietary fiber, as a macronutrient, is a type of food that is required in large amounts. Fiber, unlike other carbohydrates, is not digested and converted into glucose (sugar) by the body. It is an essential carbohydrate in our diets because it cleanses the body and does not cause blood sugar levels to rise.
    • Soluble and insoluble carbohydrates are two types of fiber that pass through the body without being digested. fit 'n fiber includes both kinds of fiber, which help to maintain a healthy body.
    • Adding fit and fiber to your daily nutritional plan helps you reach your weight reduction objectives by producing filling, low-calorie, peach-flavored beverages. FloraFood's new Fit ’n Fiber is a smart move for your gut and your microbiota.
    • AIMega

    • AIMega® is a natural health supplement that contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) in order to promote optimal wellness.
    • How is AIMega Unique?

    • • Virgin seed oils that have not been subjected to heat.
    • • Seed oils are derived from organic plants.
    • • Provides a 2:1 ratio of omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids, which is ideal.
    • • Makes skin great from the inside out
    • Approach

    • AIMega's omega-rich products are derived from organic seed oils with a 2:1 ratio of omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids (EFAs). AIM only uses cold-pressed virgin oils because keeping the oils in their natural state rather than heating them retains all of the seed's nutritional value. EFA deficiencies are associated with a variety of diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Every cell, tissue, gland, and organ in your body depends on EFAs. EFAs are required for cell repair, development, and activity as one of the primary structural components of every cell membrane
    • Omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, and other polyunsaturated fats are essential nutrients for optimal human health. They are fundamental structural, metabolic, and regulatory elements of every cell in the body. EFAs are necessary to maintain health. They keep our cell membranes flexible and permeable, allowing nutrients to enter the cell while waste is eliminated, enhancing and regulating cellular function.
    • Why are EFAs so Important?

    • EFAs aid in the restoration of energy, digestion of meals, reduction of cravings, movement of nutrients throughout our bodies, fat burning, hormone balance improvement, skin softening and smoothing, bone strengthening. EFAs are required for optimal health and well-being, as our bodies do not manufacture them. We must consume EFAs on a daily basis because our bodies cannot produce them (omega-3 and -6). Contrary to popular belief, eating fish once a month is insufficient.
    • One of the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies today is inadequate EFAs, therefore supplementation is advised. If the body receives enough EFAs, it can produce all of the other fatty acids required to maintain healthy cellular and immune activity. Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and omega-6 linoleic acid (LA) are the two essential fatty acids. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in fish oil are used to make ATP, which is required for energy production. Polyunsaturated fats are essential for converting food into energy and maintaining cardiovascular health, as well as the general health of every body system.


    • Ingredients of Barley Life 360

    • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)

    • Barley leaves are high in enzymes, as is barberry. Enzymes are necessary for the body's thousands of chemical reactions to take place. SOD is an enzyme that protects against free radicals, especially superoxide, one of the reactive oxygen species. It's an antioxidant with a lot of anti-oxidant power. Synovial fluid is destroyed by hydrogen peroxide, causing an inflammatory reaction in joints. Superoxide is thought to be behind this process, which results in the formation of synovitis. The oxidation-reduction potential (SOD) is a measure of overall enzymatic activity. BarleyLife has been evaluated by a third party laboratory and was found to have a superoxide radical scavenging capacity of 972 mcg mole TE/serving, which is heat sensitive.
    • Lutonarin and Saponarin

    • Lutonarin (7-O-GIO) and saponarin (7-O-GIV), two natural plant flavonoids found in young barley leaves, are potent antioxidants in BarleyLife. Barley grass cultivated inside would have a limited amount of these antioxidants due to exposure to UV radiation, according the research in New Zealand.
    • Alkalinity (pH)

    • Barley grass has a strong alkalinizing effect, which helps to maintain our acid-alkaline equilibrium. The majority of processed meals are acidifying, and when we eat too many of them, the acid-alkaline balance is upset. Barley grass is high in potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These minerals neutralize acidic substances and assist to maintain a healthy acid-alkaline balance. To find out whether you're eating too many acidic meals, purchase an AIM pH Test Kit (4656E).
    • Chlorophyll

    • Chlorophyll is required in plant photosynthesis. The sun's solar energy is captured by chlorophyll in the barley leaves, which are transformed into nutrients—energy for the plant to grow. It contains a chemical structure that is very close to that of human blood hemoglobin. The nuclei of hemoglobin are iron, whereas the nuclei of chlorophyll are magnesium. The barley grass is grown in a damp environment for maximum chlorophyll content. The drying process, which uses our cold method for harvesting and drying barley grass, ensures the retention of chlorophyll from leaf to powder.
    • BarleyLife powders

    • 360 g / 90 servings

      • Ingredients of Fit ‘n Fiber
      • Fiber
      • Insoluble and soluble fibers work together to detoxify and cleanse the body. Insoluble fiber, like a scrub brush, swishes through the intestines, thickening and aiding in the removal of pollutants and waste. Soluble fiber, which forms a gel when combined with water and digestive enzymes, prevents and reduces the absorption of harmful chemicals while also assisting in blood sugar and cholesterol regulation. It also hampers the movement of food through the intestines, contributing to feelings of fullness.
      • Prebiotics for a Healthy Microbiome
      • The human gut is home to a complex ecosystem of bacteria, known as the microbiome. It includes about 100 trillion bacteria on average. It's all about the good and bad bacteria living in harmony. It's important to have probiotics (great bacteria) and pathogens (harmful germs) living together in harmony. When harmful germs outnumber the microbiome's beneficial bacteria, the partnership becomes imbalanced and causes gastrointestinal problems. Scientific research stresses the importance of particular fibers in maintaining the health of the gut microbiome: prebiotics for probiotics (food for good bacteria). All prebiotics are fiber, but not all fibers are prebiotics.
      • Increasing the amount of prebiotics allows for a greater number of beneficial bacteria without the aid of harmful organisms. When you consume a lot of prebiotics, you keep the balance between good and bad microorganisms in your stomach going by feeding them with food. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that keep you healthy. Fit 'n Fiber includes three prebiotic fibers in its ingredients: acacia, konjac (glucomannan) and guar gum.
      • Konjac Fiber (Glucomannan)
      • Glucomannan, a soluble dietary fiber found in konjac fiber, is the primary active component. It's a prebiotic that nourishes probiotics. The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture published a study that showed that when Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria (both present in AIM FloraFood) were grown on konjac glucomannan hydrolysate, their amounts were considerably greater than those produced on inulin (another prebiotic).
      • Acacia Fiber
      • Acacia fiber has been used by the ancient Egyptians to cure a variety of ailments for thousands of years, and it is still utilized today as a high-quality soluble fiber. It also has excellent digestive tolerance in people. A 2008 research in The British Journal of Nutrition revealed that ingesting acacia fiber (also known as gum arabic) daily for four weeks resulted in a substantial increase in the number of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. The ideal daily dose was decided to be 10 grams. AIM Fit n Fiber has 4.4 grams in each serving.
      • Ingredients of AIMega

      • Omega-3

      • The absence of omega-3 fatty acids prevents the body from producing prostaglandins, which are lipid compounds involved in immune function. At the same time, it has an anti-inflammatory feature that might aid in the treatment of joint discomfort and muscular pains caused by aging. Also, some ALA may be converted to the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which promote brain and cognitive development, as well as nerve health and good vision. EPA and DHA fatty acids are found in fish oil.
      • Omega-6

      • Omega-3 is essential for a healthy diet, but omega-6 is also important. Although we consume a lot of omega-6 in our diets, the majority of it comes from refined and damaged sources such as baked goods and pasta. This is why obtaining omega-6 from a natural source is critical. AIMega provides a high-quality, non-GMO source of omega-6 linoleic acid (LA). Omega-6 LA is converted to gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) by the body, which maintains skin hydration and hormone equilibrium. The conversion of DHA to EPA and ARA is also a function of what the cells consume. This may contribute to better reactivity and cognitive performance when DHA is consumed in higher amounts. All of this depends on how much ARA enters the brain. In one research, the brains of young healthy individuals ate 17.8 mg ARA per day, whereas older individuals who took ARA reported enhanced cognitive function.
      • Omega–3 and –6 EFAs in Balance

      • Getting a sufficient and well-balanced amount of essential fatty acids is critical for maintaining good health. Prostaglandins are hormone-like compounds that omega-3 and -6 act as precursors to build. Prostaglandins produced from these two essential fatty acids have varied effects in the body. Prostaglandins generated from omega-6 stimulate inflammation, blood clotting and cell growth, whereas those created from omega-3 minimize these activities. The various sorts of prostaglandins must be in balance in order to stay healthy. Maintaining a 2:1 ratio of omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids with AIMega ensures that this balance is maintained.
      • Omega–9

      • AIMEGA also provides a source of omega-9 (oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat), which is not required since the body may manufacture it from other fats, but it is encouraged for general health. Olive oil is high in heart-healthy omega-9 and has been linked to a healthy cardiovascular system.
      • Organic flax (Linum usitatissimum) seed oil

      • Flax seeds contain about 55% omega-3 and about 16% omega-6.
      • Organic sesame (Sesamum indicum) seed oil
      • Rich in omega-6 LA, which the body converts to GLA, ARA and DPA.
      • Organic olive (Olea europaea) oil
      • Contains some omega-6 and is a rich source of monounsaturated omega-9.
      • Organic sunfl ower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil
      • One of the richest sources of omega-6.
      • Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)
      • MCTs are easily digested fats that the body quickly uses for energy rather than being stored in fat cells; they may also promote fat burning (thermogenesis)."


    • How to use the BarleyLife products

    • • Take one rounded teaspoon 2 times per day or 7 capsules daily. Many people start with 1/2 teaspoon or 3 to 4 capsules per day and gradually increase their serving every four to five days.
    • • Young children should begin with 1/8 teaspoon per day and gradually increase to 1/4 teaspoon.
    • • Drink immediately after mixing it in 180 ml water or your favorite juice.
    • • BarleyLife delivers the greatest benefits when taken on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before or two hours after a meal.
    • • You may take BarleyLife with other AIM products. To receive the greatest absorption of nutrients, take AIM Herbal Fiberblend® one hour before or 30 minutes after taking BarleyLife.
    • • AIM recommends BarleyLife with Just Carrots and RediBeets. These three together are known as the AIM Garden Trio®.
    • How to use Fit ‘n Fiber
    • • Mix 2 tablespoons (16 g) with 8 oz (240 ml) of water once daily. AIM recommends mixing with AIM ProPeas or Herbal Fiberblend. Fit ‘n Fiber is best taken before meals. Adolescents (12-17) should mix one tablespoon once daily.
    • • Those taking prescription medications, pregnant or nursing women and people who have difficulty swallowing should consult a healthcare practitioner before use. Take four hours before or after amoxicillin.
    • • Keep out of reach of children.
    • • Psyllium husk may create a sensitivity resulting in an allergic reaction.
    • How to use AIMega

    • • Take 2 to 3 capsules twice daily with meals
    • • Consult a health care practitioner if you are taking any oral medication, blood thinners, or have a clotting disorder, or gallbladder disease
    • • Keep out of reach of children Contains Sunflower, Sesame, and Flax Seeds

    Questions & Answers (11)

    Submit your question about this product to our talented team of Customer Care Representatives, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Q Is there anyone who should not use AIMega?

    A Yes, those who are allergic to sunflower, sesame, or flax seeds.

    Q How is the omega-3 in flax oil different from fish oil?

    A ALA found in flax oil is the parent fatty acid in the omega-3 family. A portion of ALA may be converted to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are long-chain omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil. On its own, ALA appears to have unique physiological benefits apart from its conversion to EPA and DHA. ALA is especially useful to support heart health and the immune system. For individuals who prefer not to take fish oil, AIMega offers a healthy alternative.

    Q Who should take AIMega?

    A Individuals who wish to increase their energy, maintain cellular function, improve cardiovascular and immune system health and balance inflammatory processes in the body can take this balanced blend of essential fatty acids and good fats.

    Q Is there anyone who should not take Fit ‘n Fiber?

    A Pregnant or nursing women, people taking prescription medications, people who have difficulty swallowing or people with diabetes mellitus (in which blood sugar is difficult to regulate) should consult a health practitioner before use.

    Q How much fiber do I need to consume on a daily basis?

    A For adults who are 50 years of age and younger, the AI recommendation for total fiber intake is 38 g/day for men and 25 g/day for women. For adults over 50 years of age, the recommendation is 30 g/day for men and 21 g/day for women. The average fiber intake of adults in the United States is only 15 grams a day.

    Q Is the “natural cream flavor” in BarleyLife Xtra from dairy?

    A The natural cream flavor is a combination of natural ingredients that mimic the taste of cream. These plantbased ingredients are derived from vegetable sources only, so they are acceptable for vegans. The “cream” does not contain dairy products.

    Q How is BarleyLife Xtra different than BarleyLife?

    A BarleyLife Xtra is a naturally cherry-apple flavored version of BarleyLife with 18 different fruits and vegetables. Each serving of Xtra contains one serving of BarleyLife.

    Q How much natural sugar is in each 4 g serving?

    A Each 4 g serving contains only 1 g of natural sugars from the barley juice.

    Q How else can I store BarleyLife?

    A BarleyLife can be put in a newer freezer (equipped with a dehumidifier) to preserve the nutrients and prevent humidity-related clumping. Shake canister well before opening. Do not refrigerate.

    Q What is brown rice oligodextrin?

    A Brown rice oligodextrin is a complex carbohydrate that functions as a buffer between the enzymes and other molecules, stabilizing and maintaining the nutrients in BarleyLife. I live in a place with high humidity.

    Q Is there anyone who should not use BarleyLife?

    A BarleyLife is a whole food so most people should be able to take it. Those with severe medical problems or complications should consult a health care practitioner. I started taking BarleyLife, and I feel worse. Why? When you make a change in your diet, your body often goes through a cleansing known as detoxification. This can manifest itself in fatigue, rashes, and headaches. For more information, see AIM’s Detoxification datasheet.