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CoCoa LeafGreens 180 g Powder

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    CoCoa LeafGreens 180 g Powder

    Availability: In stock

    CAD 44.00
    • The flavonoid kaempferol is an antioxidant that targets the maintenance of cardiovascular health
    • The flavonoid quercetin inhibits the production and release of histamine
    • Vitamin K is crucial to healthy bone density
    • Lutein may protect the skin and eyes from free radicals, including damage from blue light
    • Sulforaphane can help maintain overall health

    Product Overview

    • Coco LeafGreen's contains a combination of five types of leaf powders and broccoli sprout powder, all of which are high in antioxidants. It's an extremely nutritious drink that's entirely unique.
    • How is CoCoa LeafGreens Unique?

    • • For those who have trouble tasting greens, this is an excellent method to consume them.
    • • Non-GMO and Vegan Vitamins
    • • 400 ?g of sulforaphane is present in each two servings.
    • • Sweetened but without the added sugar
    • • The green pigment in plants, chlorophyll, is present at high levels.
    • Approach

    • Leaves are one of the world's most rich sources of essential minerals. CoCoa LeafGreens is made up of a mix of barley leaf, spinach, kale, arugula, Swiss chard, and broccoli sprout powders. The rich taste and antioxidant power of cacao and cocoa powders are added to these uncommon greens by AIM. Cocoa, which is high in iron and magnesium, helps maintain a healthy heart. This unique combination of leaves, sprouts, cocoa, and cacao works synergistically for improved health benefits.


    • Barley Leaf

    • The most nutritious of the green grasses is probably barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaf. Barley leaf contains significant amounts of vitamin K and chlorophyll. Vitamin K is required for the body's use of calcium to maintain strong bone density.
    • Spinach Leaf

    • Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaf is high in nutrients, including several required vitamins, minerals, and potent antioxidants. Lutein, a spinach-derived nutrient that may assist preserve the skin and eyes from free radical damage, has been shown to help prevent macular degeneration.
    • Kale Leaf

    • Kale (Brassica oleracea Acephala) leaves are high in flavonoids. Quercetin, a plant pigment found in kale, arugula, Swiss chard, and spinach leaves, belongs to the flavonoid family and is responsible for the color of many fruits and vegetables. The synthetic quercetin dihydrate found in most supplements is insoluble in water, so it offers no advantages. The absorbable and bioavailable quercetin present in the CoCoa LeafGreens comes from a natural source. Quercetin inhibits the formation and release of histamine and other allergic and inflammatory compounds, according to several studies. Histamine can cause allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, watery eyes, and tissue edema.
    • Arugula Leaf

    • Eruca sativa (arugula) leaf contains a set of chemicals known as glucosinolates, which give it its distinct flavor. Glucosinolates are broken down into indoles, nitriles, thiocyanates, and isothiocyanates after being digested. These chemicals have been discovered to prevent cellular DNA damage.
    • Swiss Chard Leaf

    • The Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris) leaf contains kaempferol, a polyphenol in the same class as flavonoids. Researchers discovered that a diet high in polyphenols helped to reduce oxidative stress in healthy women aged 19 to 21 years old.
    • Broccoli Sprout

    • Broccoli sprouts, of the cruciferous vegetables, have the most sulforaphane, a phytonutrient that has anti-inflammatory effects. In a 2009 study, broccoli sprout powder was found to reduce inflammation in human airways by increasing endogenously produced enzymes in the body. 400 ?g of sulforaphane are in each two CoCoa LeafGreens servings. This is the daily beneficial amount of sulforaphane that has been proved by numerous research.
    • CoCoa LeafGreens

    • Organic cacao powder, organic cocoa powder, and alkalized cocoa make up the three-part CoCoa LeafGreens. The organic cacao powder is made from cocoa beans and maintains the natural antioxidants, fiber, and unadulterated chocolate flavor. Organic and alkalized cocoa powders are produced by hydraulic pressing of cocoa mass, which removes cocoa butter from the bean. There are no flavors added to CoCoa LeafGreens.
    • The combination of the three cocoa powders gives this chocolate its natural flavor. A tiny amount of stevia leaf extract adds a little sweetness without using sugar, aspartame, or other additives. CoCoa LeafGreens is a healthy alternative for parents who want to boost their children's intake of greens. Cocoa has an abundant supply of antioxidants and flavonoids, making it a great antioxidant-rich food. In reality, chocolate contains over 700 different compounds. These components support cocoa's overall health and energy-boosting properties.


    • Mix 1 rounded teaspoon (4 g) in 180 to 300 ml of water or cold milk twice daily. For children 8 years and under, mix 1 rounded teaspoon once daily.

    Questions & Answers (3)

    Submit your question about this product to our talented team of Customer Care Representatives, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Q Is there anyone who should not take CoCoa LeafGreens?

    A CoCoa LeafGreens is a whole-food concentrate, so most people should be able to take it. Those with severe medical problems or on a restricted diet (especially in regard to greens) may wish to limit intake.

    Q I started taking CoCoa LeafGreens and I feel worse. Why?

    A When you make a positive change in your diet, your body may go through a cleansing process known as detoxification. This can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, rashes and headaches. For more information, see AIM’s Detoxifi cation Datasheet.

    Q Can I take CoCoa LeafGreens and BarleyLife?

    A Yes, the two products are complementary. Two servings of CoCoa LeafGreens can be taken separately from one serving of BarleyLife at diff erent times during the day.