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ProPeas 456 g Powder

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    ProPeas 456 g Powder

    Availability: In stock

    CAD 45.00
    • Assists with weight management
    • Helps build and maintain healthy muscles
    • Increases energy and endurance
    • Provides a feeling of fullness (satiety)
    • Boosts metabolism

    Product Overview

    • ProPeas is a sugar-free, vegetable-based protein that helps to alkalize the body and manage weight by increasing feelings of fullness, boosting metabolism, and preserving lean muscle mass.
    • How is ProPeas Unique?

    • • Each serving has 12 grams of protein (16 g).
    • • Vegetable protein maintains a healthy pH balance.
    • • Increases blood flow and calcium absorption
    • • Non-GMO, gluten-free, and certified vegan
    • • Sugar-free diet is recommended.
    • Approach

    • Protein is a necessary component of all cells, and it is needed for a variety of critical functions in the body, including the production of enzymes and hormones as well as tissue construction and repair. As a result, protein is an important nutritional requirement for good health and function. Protein is a macronutrient in the same way as fats and carbohydrates, since the human body requires a substantial amount of it in relation to micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. Protein, unlike fat and carbohydrate, cannot be stored by the body. Protein is essential to the maintenance and repair of tissues, including muscles, organs, and the immune system.
    • Weight Management

    • ProPeas is broken down slowly, it reduces hunger. Nonetheless, ProPeas is still more than 98% digestible. It helps to maintain lean muscle mass and boosts the fat-burning potential. Protein has the ability to influence weight in three ways: by increasing satiety (fullness), raising metabolic rate, and aiding in the preservation of lean muscle mass.
    • Satiety – Protein takes the longest to digest in the stomach, giving rise to a sensation of fullness. This may help individuals avoid overeating and obesity by reducing overconsumption of calories.
    • Metabolic Rate – A greater metabolism can be aided by eating enough protein. Metabolism is the mechanism by which our bodies convert meals into energy or store them as fat. The more active your body is, the faster it burns fat. Protein encourages the body to work harder during digestion by increasing metabolism. Protein digestion consumes more calories than carbohydrates and sugars. This boosts the body's metabolic functions.
    • Lean Muscle Mass – Protein synthesis is aided by a higher protein intake. The body may generate muscle more quickly and easily when protein intake is increased. Someone who has a lot of lean muscle will burn more calories naturally since he or she has more of it. Protein consumption, therefore, might help you lose weight without requiring a significant change to your typical calorie intake. Protein and fiber are beneficial for weight reduction because they aid in the maintenance of healthy body weights.
    • AIM Fit ’n Fiber and AIM Herbal Fiberblend® are low-fat, cholesterol-free fiber sources that provide a feeling of fullness. Weight reduction is promoted as a healthy alternative to unhealthy fats and cholesterol. To discover a new, thinner you, try the AIM Weight Loss Pack (5857E), which includes ProPeas (x2), Fit ’n Fiber, and GlucoChrom.


    • ProPeas: Go Green with Vegan Protein

    • Propeas is a supplement that should be incorporated into any diet, providing high-protein peas that are non-GMO and gluten-free. Because to their excellent amino acids, ample iron content, and no trans fat or cholesterol, they are also healthy. ProPeas' green source of protein helps to correct the body's natural pH. The ProPeas purification technique, which includes clean membrane filtering, just requires water to remove the pea protein. No harsh chemicals or solvents are used during the purification process.
    • Protein Supplement Comparisons

    • Peas are not a significant allergen. Soy and whey make up one-hundredth of 90 percent of allergic responses due to the presence of the following nine priority food allergies: The typical soy cultivation methods might be harmful. The United States is one of the most permissive nations in terms of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In 2013, 93 percent of soybeans were genetically modified. Soy contains a lot of fat, so removing these fats to produce a protein concentrate necessitates the use of solvents like hexane. Soy must undergo an intense heating process that generates furan, a known cancer-causing chemical. Those who are allergic to milk and consume whey should avoid it. Furthermore, soy must be subjected to a high-temperature treatment in order for it to produce protein isolate, which is poisonous. Proteins from animals are also high in cysteine and methionine, two amino acids with an acidic effect on the blood. ProPeas is devoid of acid-producing amino acids.
    • ProPeas Amino Acids

    • The amino acids that our bodies require are referred to as ""essential."" (We must consume them in our diets.) ProPeas includes leucine, isoleucine, valine, and lysine as essential amino acids. They've been found to aid human growth and development, athletic performance and recovery from stress. Branch-chain amino acids (BCAAs), particularly leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are necessary for delaying muscle deterioration through maintenance of muscle mass.
    • Leucine

    • Slows muscular tissue loss by boosting protein synthesis. As we age, our bodies' capacity to absorb and synthesize protein decreases, resulting in muscle mass loss over time.
    • Isoleucine

    • Isoleucine helps to improve endurance and energy while also aiding in muscular repair and recovery.
    • Valine

    • It repairs tissue, increases energy, and regulates blood sugar (which might aid in weight reduction) while also enhancing brain function.
    • Lysine

    • Lysine is a vital component of calcium absorption and bone development.


    • • Use 1 to 4 scoops daily (depending on activity level). Mix into 240 ml (8 oz) of water, cold beverage or smoothie.
    • • Best used for: weight loss assistance, recovery after exercise, healthy breakfasts, a protein supplement or snacks.

    Questions & Answers (2)

    Submit your question about this product to our talented team of Customer Care Representatives, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Q Can ProPeas help me to lose weight?

    A Research presented in The Protein Book by Lyle McDonald has shown that pea protein is digested slowly, so it helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Each serving of ProPeas contains 12 grams of protein, digested at a rate of 2.9 grams per hour. That means it takes more than four hours to digest one serving of ProPeas. In addition to being digested slowly, pea protein also increases body metabolism. For every calorie of ProPeas protein that you consume, you burn 25 percent of it during digestion, thus increasing overall body metabolism.

    Q Can ProPeas help me to build muscle?

    A Yes, ProPeas provides muscle-building amino acids, including essential lysine, leucine, isoleucine and valine. Furthermore, low-fat pea protein is one of the most easily digested plant proteins, having a 98 percent digestion rate, so your body uses nearly all of your intake for building lean muscle.