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PrepZymes 100 Vegetable Capsules

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    PrepZymes 100 Vegetable Capsules

    Availability: In stock

    CAD 29.00
    • Helps maintain digestive health
    • Allows for more thorough digestion of food
    • Improves assimilation and utilization of food
    • Increases energy
    • Unique formula—177 mg of enzymes, 50 mg of bear garlic leaf and 40 mg of papaya fruit per capsule
    • Contains cultured enzymes

    Product Overview

    • AIM PrepZymes contains a blend of enzymes, papaya, and garlic leaf powder to aid digestion.
    • How is PrepZymes Unique?

    • • Combines enzymes with bear garlic leaf and papaya fruit, as well as a variety of other herbs to create a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal all-purpose cleaner.
    • • Suitable for high-sugar and high-fat diets
    • • Provides digestive and food enzymes to compensate for deficiencies caused by eating processed foods.
    • Approach

    • Enzymes are tiny molecules that help certain chemical processes in our bodies occur more quickly. Every second, the human body creates millions of enzymes. They are required for cellular energy, tissue repair, organ and cell upkeep, brain stimulation, and food digestion. The latter includes nutrient absorption, transportation, and metabolism as well as waste elimination.
    • PrepZymes contains the following enzymes:
    • • Protease I
    • • Protease II
    • • Alpha-Amylase
    • • Lipase
    • • Cellulase
    • • Lactase
    • • Diastase
    • • Invertase
    • • Papain
    • Three Classes of Enzymes

    • Enzymes are classified into three categories: metabolic, digestive, and culinary. Metabolic enzymes catalysis or activate chemical changes within cells. Metabolic enzymes are the metabolic machinery that keeps our bodies working. Our bodies would not function if it weren't for them. This group of enzymes, for example, aids in the transformation of phosphorus into bone, the incorporation of iron to our red blood cells, the healing of wounds, and the cardiac muscle's contractility. Digestive enzymes are produced by the salivary glands, gastric glands in the stomach, secretory islets of the pancreas, and secretory glands in the small intestine to break down meals so that nutrients can be absorbed into the circulation and utilized in body processes.
    • Digestive enzymes work in a variety of ways to break down different components. They guarantee that the most nutritional value is extracted from meals. Protein protease, carbohydrate amylase, lipase, and fat and oil diastase are just a few examples of digestive enzymes. Food enzymes are found in the food we consume. They include digestive enzymes, as well as those specific to various meals. Food enzymes assist us predigest our meals by beginning to break it down before our bodies' enzymes do so.
    • The Importance of Enzymes

    • Edward Howell, a British biologist and phytochemist, was the first to develop the enzyme theory in the early 20s. He wrote two books on the subject and postulated that humans are born with a fixed amount of enzyme energy, which we must replenish if we want our enzymes to perform their essential functions. If we don't replenish our supply, we run the danger of becoming sick. According to current study, as we get older, we make fewer enzymes.
    • As people began to rely on processed and cooked meals more frequently, the enzyme theory caught on. Enzymes are vulnerable to heat; food enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 48°C. Food enzymes are destroyed in the process of pasteurization, canning, and microwaving. In other words, when food is cooked and processed, it loses most of its enzymes, and a typical diet consumed in developed nations causes enzyme loss. According to nutritional research, a diet consisting largely of cooked and canned foods leads to the development of chronic degenerative illnesses. The fact that an apple is ""good"" for you, in this case, is a reflection of the significance of consuming raw fruits and vegetables. Only raw foods have active ""living"" enzymes. The more raw meals you consume, the more live enzymes you obtain.
    • The Benefits of Enzymes

    • There are several advantages in giving the body more enzymes. This helps to boost the body's own enzyme pool, which may lead to a longer, healthier life. Digestive enzymes aid in the breakdown of foods by enabling us to use more nutrients. This might assist with weight reduction since your body receives more calories from less food, resulting in fewer calories consumed. Another advantage of completely digested meals is that they pass through your system more quickly. Undigested food may remain in the digestive tract, where it may mildew and rot, producing a buildup of waste in the colon. Fecal matter begins to decompose, giving off germs and poisons. Toxins eventually seep through the intestine wall and enter the circulation via blood capillaries. Using digestive enzymes may help to prevent a variety of health problems. Digestive enzymes aid in the complete digestion of your meals, which can minimize potential issues linked with build-up of waste and poisons.


    • Papaya Fruit and Bear Garlic Leaf

    • The papaya fruit in PrepZymes contains papain, an enzyme that binds to proteins and aids in protein digestion. Alpine wild garlic has antioxidant activity and aids digestion.
    • Cultured Enzymes

    • Enzymes made from microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast are particularly useful since they may function in both acid and alkaline conditions. The enzymes are produced, filtered out, and treated to ensure that no fungi, germs, or yeasts remain in the final product. PrepZymes contains a unique blend of cultured enzymes that has been developed to replicate the natural enzymes lost during food preparation, food processing, and cooking, as well as food irradiation or agricultural production in depleted soils.


    • • Take 3 capsules daily with meals. For prolonged use, consult a health care practitioner
    • • Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have an allergy to latex or fruits
    • • Keep out of reach of children

    Questions & Answers (3)

    Submit your question about this product to our talented team of Customer Care Representatives, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Q May I take PrepZymes with FloraFood or other AIM products?

    A If you believe that you are not digesting foods well, you should use digestive enzymes. Additionally, our bodies produce fewer enzymes as we age, so we should consider using digestive enzymes as we mature.

    Q Is there anyone who should not take PrepZymes?

    A Yes, it is recommended that those with gastritis or gastric or duodenal ulcers should not use Prep Zymes as it may irritate existing ulcer. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have diabetes, have gastrointestinal lesions/ulcers, are taking anticoagulant agents, anti-infl ammatory agents or other enzyme products or are having surgery. Headaches, heartburn, bloating and hypersensitivity (e.g., allergy) have been known to occur; in which case, discontinue use.

    Q Who should use PrepZymes?

    A If you believe that you are not digesting foods well, you should use digestive enzymes. Additionally, our bodies produce fewer enzymes as we age, so we should consider using digestive enzymes as we mature.