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GlucoChrom 60 Vegan Capsules

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    GlucoChrom 60 Vegan Capsules

    Availability: In stock

    CAD 25.00
    • Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
    • Promotes the reduction of body fat and increase of lean muscle mass (when combined with a healthy diet and exercise)
    • 60 vegan capsules

    Product Overview

    • Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
    • Promotes the reduction of body fat and increase of lean muscle mass (when combined with a healthy diet and exercise)
    • 60 vegan capsules"GlucoChrom is a nutritional supplement that includes a unique mixtures of trace minerals and plants in order to assist with blood sugar maintenance.
    • How is GlucoChrom Unique?

    • • With a natural, non-synthetic element that is highly bioavailable,
    • • This is the amount of chromium in mg that was tested to be effective in blood glucose maintenance.
    • • Encourages the activity of enzymes that transform sugar into a storable energy source.
    • Approach

    • According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's 2020 National Diabetes Statistic Report, 13 percent of Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes or are undiagnosed. In 2018, according to statistics, approximately 88 million people in the United States were pre-diabetic.Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the risk of diabetes among youngsters and teenagers, owing to increasing rates of obesity. The standard North American diet, which is low in fiber and high in processed sugars, fats, and simple carbohydrates, contributes to a glucose metabolism imbalance.
    • Blood Sugar

    • Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for our cells, and when we eat, our bodies break down carbohydrates from foods to generate glucose, the sugar that powers our cells and provides them with essential energy for proper functioning. It's critical that the blood sugar level be maintained at a consistent level. If it rises, insulin is released to encourage cells to absorb glucose. Optimally, the pancreas produces just the correct quantity of insulin to effectively breakdown glucose. Insulin resistance can develop if insulin levels are consistently high.
    • The pancreas releases insulin in this situation, but the cells are unable to react appropriately, resulting in glucose remaining in circulation and generating a circulating source of inflammation throughout the body. High insulin levels cause the body to store fat rather than burn it as energy, which frequently results in weight gain. A chronic blood sugar imbalance makes weight reduction impossible for people who are overweight or obese. Insulin promotes the breakdown of stored lipids and carbohydrates, allowing weight loss to be achieved.
    • Chromium is an important component in the insulin-glucose pathway. Insulin's cofactor, chromium, is considered. Chromium promotes the entry of glucose into cells, allowing the body to use it.
    • GlucoChrom

    • GlucoChrom is a beneficial supplement for people who wish to keep their blood sugar levels in good balance as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. The chemicals in GlucoChrom can also help you lose weight or maintain your ideal body composition.


    • Chromium (200 mcg per capsule)

    • GlucoChrom's chromium is a readily absorbed kind of trace mineral that the body recognizes as food, and it comes from Saccaromyces cerevisiae yeast that has been organically bound to trivalent chromium. AIM is dedicated to identifying the most bioavailable ingredients, particularly this natural form of chromium that is more effective than synthetic versions such as chromium nicotinate or picolinate commonly found in chromium supplements.
    • Chromium deficiency is not uncommon in children, but as we grow older, chromium depletion increases. On average, women take up to 29 mcg each day and males consume up to 54 mcg. Chromium insufficiency is a condition in which the body does not get enough chromium. Symptoms of chromium deficiency include glucose intolerance, which may result in tiredness and nerve pain. Chromium regulates the movement of blood sugar into cells by regulating glucose metabolism out of the blood and into cells.
    • Vanadium Citrate (37.5 mcg per capsule)

    • Vanadium is a required trace mineral for cell metabolism. Vanadium appears to be involved in the healthy pumping of the heart muscle and bones and teeth strengthening.
    • Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf (4:1 extract)

    • The woody climber Indochina, which is indigenous to India, has long been used for its therapeutic effects and as a long-term supplement to control blood sugar. Gymnema sylvestre also inhibits sweet receptors in the taste buds, lowering appetite and cravings for sweets.
    • Bitter Melon Fruit (Momordica Charantia)

    • Bitter melon is also known as balsam pear. It is a tropical fruit native to Asia, East Africa, and South America. Bilberi melon stimulates the activity of hexokinase and glucokinase, two enzymes in the body that convert sugar to glycogen, which is then stored in the liver and used later for energy.


    • • Take 1 capsule twice daily. Best taken before meals.
    • • Keep out of reach of children.
    • • Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Consult a health care practitioner before use if taking insulin. Not recommended for children.
    • • Close tightly after opening and store in a cool, dry, dark place. Do not refrigerate.

    Questions & Answers (2)

    Submit your question about this product to our talented team of Customer Care Representatives, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Q Is there anyone who should not use GlucoChrom?

    A Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Consult a health care practitioner before use if taking insulin. Not recommended for children.

    Q Who should use GlucoChrom?

    A Anyone who wants to maintain healthy blood sugar levels may benefit from using GlucoChrom. Those who want to promote fat loss and maintain healthy, lean body mass should consider using GlucoChrom.